IT STOPS WITH ME is a 4-session human trafficking prevention curriculum for young people which can be used in schools, churches, shelters, home school co-ops, etc. This course is brought as a collaboration with Annie Perkins Ministries. This course was developed from feet-on-the-ground work in multiple sectors of the fight against child sex trafficking in America, its videos depict the issue from a well-rounded and shockingly realistic perspective (see Intro/Session 1 video below).CURRICULUM OUTCOMES
Students indicate enhanced knowledge of:
vulnerability factors
perpetrator characteristics and tactics
magnitude of the problem
proximity of/personal connection to the issue/risk
Students indicate desire to change behaviors:
desire to educate self more
desire to educate others
desire to protect self
desire to protect others
ability to respond to danger
changing social media settings/behavior
desire to take action
THE FACTS: What is Human Trafficking Anyway?
Session Objective: Students should have a basic understanding of the concept of human trafficking in America and why it is referred to as “modern-day slavery.” They will begin to learn what trafficking looks like here, where it happens, who is involved, and why they need to know.
THE FUEL: What is Fueling Sex Trafficking in America Today?
Session Objective: Students should be able to define what issues are fueling sex trafficking in America and expound upon the reasons why.
THE FORMULA: How Do Traffickers Get Their Victims?
Session Objective: Students should be able to explain the process by which a victim is coerced, forced, or tricked into exploitation. They should now have a full understanding of the way vulnerability, combined with manipulation, can end up in a trafficking situation.
THE FIGHT: What Can I Do to Make a Difference?
Session Objective: Students should know where and how to report human trafficking and suspicious internet activity. They should feel empowered and inspired that they can stand up, speak out, and make a difference right where they’re at.