Here’s a special announcement. Click here.
The U.S. is one of the largest consumers of commercial sex worldwide. We need passionate individuals who are fully educated, enraged, and engaged to help us raise awareness, combat demand, and protect survivors.
These individuals are one of the most important pieces as we fight against sex trafficking in the United States, which is why we call them Abolitionists.
By joining our Abolitionists group under the U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking, we will help equip, educate, and plug you into taking action in your community that matches your passion, skill set, and capabilities. Everyone can and should do something to help #EndHumanTrafficking.
Here’s what you receive access to:
Receive access to multiple trainings.
Help us spread the word about #EndingHumanTrafficking.
Learn how to plug into the fight through multiple resources.
Can Respond to Sex Trafficking
Help your church become educated about Sex Trafficking and how to respond with our brand new series Advocate: Defending Hope for the Hopeless.
Follow Pastor and Author Francis Chan as we walk through educational topics regarding modern-day sex trafficking in the United States and what the Bible says about responding to such evil around us.
From running Major League Baseball teams to becoming an activist, Kevin Malone’s search for meaning will inspire readers to uncover their own justice-centered purpose in life. Malone’s meteoric rise in the MLB began as a baseball scout, but now he is taking those lessons from scouting—and from overseeing historic franchises like the Dodgers, Orioles, and Expos—into fighting child sex trafficking. In athletics scouting the enemy is key to formulating winning strategies, and life is no different. The darkness of injustice must be scouted for justice and healing to unfold. Malone’s transparent detailing of his wild journey through life will entertain, inspire, and stir the desire to partner with God in “making all things new.”
Finding new and innovative ways to combat the demand for purchased sex, raise awareness to this nationwide epidemic, and provide safe environments for victims.
At USIAHT, we are combating the demand for sex trafficking in the United States—and we need your help. Your support will help us intervene, provide care for victims, and protect children from exploitation and harm.