This Study Guide is for our group study with Francis Chan, “Advocate: Defending Hope for the Hopeless.”
This Study Guide is a companion to our video series that is meant to help encourage healthy discussion, deep thinking, and forward motion. While this study is meant to help guide the discussion before and after each video, we encourage you to lead your group under Christ’s direction and application. There will be times when you may feel angry, confused, anguished, or even emotionally exhausted. Be encouraged that these emotions were shared by Jesus Himself, who in His ministry, was overcome by compassion, righteous anger, and even sadness.
Throughout this study, you’ll hear many stories, much information, and several calls for action. The purpose of this series is to provide actionable steps toward ending human trafficking in our communities, cities, states, and nation. As you engage, you will come to understand some of the underlining issues that cause trafficking such as abuse, belittling, neglect, abandonment, lack of resources, or the absence of hope.
We believe that the Church is called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in both practical and strategic ways to bring healing and hope to the abused and the broken. Even with the calls to action and practical resources included in this study, there truly is no one-size-fits-all to combat the atrocity of human trafficking. Therefore, we must remain humble and listen closely to the Holy Spirit to guide our actions within our spheres of influence. Above all, we must remember that Jesus is the only one capable of real transformation in our cities.