The Center for Prevention of Abuse announced in a Monday news release that the organization will expand its human trafficking prevention education curriculum in area ...
"Thanks to many years in the fight, nonprofits have the insight and resources needed to craft effective legislation and policies. USIAHT, for instance, offers a ...
"The real issue lies in demand for sex with young people, with millions of Americans seeking out and purchasing sex with our most vulnerable citizens. ...
The Battlement to Bells Anti-Trafficking Task Force (BATT) goal is: “We seek to end human trafficking from Battlement Mesa to the Maroon Bells (and beyond).”
As part of Cyber Awareness Month, the FBI held a demonstration on how computer and telephone applications easily accessible to children can be used to ...
In Alachua County, FL, adult establishments are required to post the signs, which are written in English, Spanish and Creole, in a clearly visible spot. ...
More than half of the homeless youth in metro Atlanta have experienced human trafficking, with minority and LGBTQ youth being more likely to be forced ...
At 13, Alicia “Kozak” Kozakiewicz was abducted from her Pittsburgh home by a predator who had groomed her online. Now 31, Kozakiewicz works with aviation ...